Tuition Payments Made Easy
Now you can make your monthly tuition payments from this page, using any major credit card. Please select from the options below the amount appropriate to your student or students, based on the length of their weekly lesson.
One Student / One Half Hour Per Week
If you or your student studies with us for one half hour per week, your monthly tuition is $125.00
Two Students / One Half Hour Per Week Each
If your family has two students, each studying with us for one half hour per week, your monthly tuition is $250.00
Three Students / One Half Hour Per Week Each
If your family has three students, each studying with us for one half hour per week, your monthly tuition is $375.00
One Student / One Hour Per Week
If you or your student studies with us for one hour per week, your monthly tuition is $210.00
One Student / One Hour Per Week & One Student / One Half Hour Per Week
If your family has two students, one studying with us for one hour per week and one for one half hour per week, your monthly tuition is $335.00
Two Students / One Hour Per Week
If your family has two students, each studying with us for one hour per week, your monthly tuition is $420.00
Chestnut Hill Music Academy charges a one time registration fee of $25 to new students. You can pay that with this button.
Please remember that tuition is paid on a month to month basis and is due the first day of the month. If you are starting at Chestnut Hill Music Academy after the first week of a given month, we will gladly pro-rate your tuition for that month. Please contact the office for those details at 215 233 2560.
Also note that your tuition payment secures the weekly day and time slot for your student or students. Once secured, each teacher is notified that that time slot is filled for that month. As our teachers are guaranteed payment for their services, regardless of whether or not the student attends each lesson, there are no refunds for missed lessons